Friday, September 26, 2003

In Saskatoon this Sunday?

Alright, here's a reminder of the Worship Freehouse, this Sunday night in Saskatoon:

This Sunday is the Freehouse and we are looking forward to an amazing evening together.

Todd Peters is going to be leading us in ambient worship with a series of modern liturgies being used to quiet our hearts and minds give us a chance to experience God together as a community.

We are gathering at 8:00 p.m. at the Bassment (245 - 3rd Avenue South and it is just south of the Senator Hotel on 3rd Avenue in the Glengaryy Building).  We look forward to seeing you there.

BTW, we are changing ISP's next week.  If the site is down, it will only be gone for a couple of hours.  We will be back up and working better than ever after that.

The Worship Freehouse

If you haven't attended, you really should. It's a great time with some really good people.

I'm not sure if I can make it yet, but I'd love to. We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could go too. I have been looking at the date regreting the fact that I have to do the soccer mom thing and be at Sara's soccer team wind-up. Well you guys, if you go, won't have a hot tub, but I will miss the somewhat deeper fellowship of the Freehouse. If you do go, give Patrick and Eric a call. They went with me last time.


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