Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Party on guys

Well well well, she pulls off a party after all!

Ever since I turned 30 and Lauralea surprised me by getting my two closest buddies in High School to come to Winnipeg and surprise me with a party, I don't sleep well the night before my birthday.

Tonight after supper we went out for "Coffee" with some friends. When we got to Shananigan's there was party going on!!

(Since it was a Surprise party, I was not equipped with my digital camera. However, I found these pictures on the internet which should give you a real impression of how the party was progressing!! Enjoy!)

We arrived and the party was in full swing, they sang Happy Birthday and gave me a bunch of presents! cards.

Bob and Virginia were cuttin the rug, and Lowell and Jodine were in the corner drinking good looking  blue and orange drinks!
Tammy (The Younger) was there as was Melody (The Older) and Alecia (The Strong and Silent). And Phil (with his white polyester suit) and Janet were rocking the place out.


We soon tired of the coffee and squares, so we moved the party over to Phil and Janet's where it really got going. You can see Janet in this picture being the perfect hostess.

We had strawberry juice and fizzy stuff and Janet had made these lovely little pancakes that tasted great.


Here we are just enjoying ourselves. I think Bob just told a joke!!

All in all, it was a fine evening, thanks to everyone for the lovely gifts cards and the fun evening.

Let's do it again next year, and I'll bring the camera, just in case.

You guys are great.


(Ok, this wasn't exactly as it happened, Phil's suit wasn't really white. Sorry.)


  1. Woops.

    Meant to say, glad you had a great time.

  2. I like the subtle hints thrown in there, Randall. But hey, cards take up way less space (",) Sounds like a great party though.

    BTW does Janet really look like Rene Zellweger?

  3. Hmm, Rene Zellweger eh?

    uh, I think you could say that, after all, she is a female, like Rene Zellweger is, except of course that she has dark hair!!

  4. Wow! What a party that must have been! When did they add the grand staircase at Shananigan's? It fits in so well with the rest of the decor. Are you sure you were only drinking fizzy stuff?

  5. hey, I was more impressed with the inside of Janet and Phil's living room!! It's awesome!!


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