Tuesday, August 05, 2003

My Life Thus Far

"Randall Friesen is just a guy, husband of Lauralea, father of Johanna, Hillary, Thomas & Micah, pastor of gateway covenant church, lover of strong coffee (two creams,) eggnog with coke in it, Nigel Kennedy, the colour orange, God...."

I remember at the young age of 6, I was thinking what life would be like at the age of forty, when my life would be half over.

It's hard to believe but that day has finally arrived. Here I am at forty.
It's not to bad, yet, although while I was in the shower I picked up a bottle and read "Shampoo" and tried to wash my hair with what was really conditioner. (Why do they insist on putting the two in the same bottles? Am I getting old or what?)

And a minute ago I was going to make coffee, but it took time to find the coffee maker, and I couldn't even find the coffee! How lame is that?
Anyway my life to date.

I was born in Winnipeg Manitoba, raised in Saskatoon, went to college in Alberta, got married in Prince George, BC, had our two daughters in Southern Ontario, pastored my first church in Winnipeg, and now pastor in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan.
I was blessed to be raised in a home where God was known and worshiped. I recall inviting God to be a part of my life when I was five, after a night time story from my mom. (I have fond memories of my parent reading to us at bed time. In a day and age when fathers were not expected to do much more than bring home the bacon, my dad would read to us the exciting tales of Captain Daley and the gang! So Cool)

I knew God in a childish, simple way, and followed as a child would. At the age of 16 I was baptized upon my confession of faith.
Then followed a few difficult years as a fight raged within me. A fight for control over my own future, my own plans, wants, and desires. I finally lay that down, when I met God anew, maybe for the first time as an adult.

I think that since that time I have sought to live as God has led, seeking his leading in the decisions of life. And this has been the greatest lesson of my short life. Seek first His kingdom, and all these other things will be given to you
The greatest gift God has given me is Lauralea, my best friend, my comfort, confidante, pastor, my only love. The one who has kept me young-er, who has been the lightness to my heavy, introvertednss. She is, in a word, wonderful.

God has also given me four little mirrors who, fortunately or unfortunately, reflect back pretty much exactly what they see.
Johanna, Hillary, Thomas, and Micah.
Each one wonderfully distinctive, yet I see enough of me in them to make me cringe sometimes. It freaks me out, makes me want to live better, and help them to experience a better life too. I guess they are God's hands too, molding me into who He is committed to making me.

I am grateful to have them a part of my life. They are, for the most part, wonderful! Especially when I recall the doctors telling us, before we got married, that children might be difficult for us to, um, conceive of!! (cool play on words friesen!)
Another piece of the puzzle is this calling of God on my life, to minister to the hearts of others.

I have fought with Him about this many times, and presently I'm in a place of acceptance about this that He has called me to. Pastoring.
I confess I'm not a great "Western" pastor. I don't care much about goals and programs, about budgets and structures. I care about people coming to know and love and experience God, His son, Jesus, and the Beloved Holy Spirit.

Pointing people towards Him is a calling I could spend my life pursuing. If there are frustrations in it, they are the unreasonable and sometimes unbiblical expectations of people. So far those expectations have not ground me to dust. So I continue, seeking to be faithful to Him.
Micah asked me today who my boss was, God? To which I replied; "On the good days, yes."

Indeed, His yoke is easy, made to fit for me, and his burden is light. It only gets hard when I wander from my calling.
My calling from God has been from Isaiah 49
Listen to me, all of you in far-off lands! The LORD called me before my birth; from within the womb he called me by name. He made my words of judgment as sharp as a sword. He has hidden me in the shadow of his hand. I am like a sharp arrow in his quiver.
He said to me, You are my servant, Israel, and you will bring me glory
I replied, But my work all seems so useless! I have spent my strength for nothing and to no purpose at all. Yet I leave it all in the Lord's hand; I will trust God for my reward.
He says, You will do more than restore the people of Israel to me. I will make you a light to the Gentiles, and you will bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.

I am surrounded today by the evidence of His blessing on my life. Not because of anything I've done, but because of his mercy and love, and the prayers of those who care for me.
Blessed indeed.
Thank you Father.


  1. Hi Randall: welcome to the forties.

    The good news is that, at least from the additional 2 years advance I have on you, people should accord you a little more respect. Play your cards right and they'll never know you haven't changed inside (",)

    Just want to say thanks for your prayers for us while we were away. I came back to work early this morning, read your comments and felt my eyes prickle. We definitely had a good hol - much veg-ing on the beach, snorkelling and swimming (trying to maintain a trace of fitness) and good food. Amoungst it all there was even a space for God to speak to me, and a sense of a lot of the impurities that one picks up through everyday life washing away.

    So once again, thank you. May you always remain a shepherd instead of a manager, and a father instead of a director, with Micah's insight as to who's the boss.

  2. Yahoo, Toni's back!

    You sound rested, and it sounds like you had a wonderful time!!

    I hope Greece was great. Now I can't wait to see some pics!

  3. Maybe I should be grateful - you could have linked my name to AltaVista (",)

    We got most of the films back from the printers last night, the UK not being up to digital photography yet (only joking). If you really want to see them I'll sort a couple of the better ones and push them through the scanner here.

  4. Congrats on the big 40 - its scaring the sh*t out of me!

  5. Well Hamo, you seem to be handling it nicely!!!

    Been to any new bars lately???


  6. "I confess I'm not a great "Western" pastor."

    Go East! You'd make a great Orthodox priest! :)

  7. Congratulations on another year passed and more to come! Hope to see you this fall - and now that I've got my computer up and running I'll get a few more communications off to you!

  8. [...] If you are looking for a bit more info on my story because you’re writing a book about me, you can check it out, here. :-) -Randall Friesen no comments trackback this article comment on this article [...]


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