Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Morning Prayer

One of the hardest things I do during my week is the GateCrashers Prayer Time, Wednesday mornings at 6:30 am.


Tuesday night is usually worship practice, so I get home later on, and I'm not able to sleep much before midnight. So when the 5:30 alarm goes off, it's really a difficult thing to crawl out of bed, to go and pray.


Still, I do it. I do it because I believe in it. I have seen amazing things happen as a result of prayer. Before my eyes, the sick have become well, the nearly dead have walked again. Lost children have been found, the hungry have received food.


The spiritually dead have come back to life again. The enemy of my soul has been pushed back into his place. The lost have found hope in Jesus.


The bills have been paid. My deathly sick children have been returned to me whole. I was given a car. Lauralea and I travelled to the United Kingdom.


I was given the love of a good woman, blessed with four children who are mostly a blessing. And I get to work with His people.


All as a result of prayer.


This morning, only Linea and I showed up for prayer, a rare occurrence (Not Linea coming, but only 2 people out!!) And we were able to pray. Allot of people got prayed for today. While they were waking from their sleep, we were calling out to God on their behalf, and he heard us. He's good that way.


Wednesday mornings are always hard to get started with, but I'm always glad I come.


Someone once said that "History belongs to the Intercessors." I have come to believe that this is true.



  1. "blessed with four children who are mostly a blessing."

    Hmmm. Familiar ring to it(",)

    It does me good to hear you're praying like that. Do you get this sense that, rather than it just being the 2 of you, the immensity of God was there with you?

  2. great stuff!!!


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