Saturday, July 05, 2003

Janet's Garden

Well you'll be pleased to know (well, you may be pleased to know) that I've been working on this hobby thing. As per our previous discussion, I'm trying out photography.


This Canada Day, (July 1) we went over to some friends of ours, Phil and Janet's house for a while. Poor Phil was on a business trip to that poor, broken-down, tired place called Victoria. So, while Lauralea and Janet were inside, I was in Janet's garden happily snapping away.


These then are the first official results of my official hobby. (I'm feelin relaxed already!! Ahhhh) Appropriately entitled, Janet's Garden.



  1. The pictures are gorgeous!!! I think you made a wise decision in choosing photography as your new hobby!

  2. Thanks Connie.

    Hope you guys are doin ok.


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