Friday, July 25, 2003

911 blogging


In the spirit of Jordon Cooper's Night Cop Blogging, I bring you this blog.


About 15 minutes ago (1:10 am) after failure at falling asleep, I got up and wandered towards the kitchen thinking perhaps my inability to sleep was due to my hungry stomach.


As I passed by the living room, my eye caught movement out the large window. I did a double take and saw that huge columns of smoke were rolling into the night sky. It looked like a dumpster was on fire across the street at the rink. I grabbed the phone and called 911. Then followed a bit of an interrogation by the operator as she dispatched the Fire Service.


Her: "What's the nature of your problem?"


Me: (In a strong male voice) "fffiiirre"


Her: "You need the fire department?"


Me: "Uh huh."


Her: "What's the location of the fire?"


Me: "East End Rink, across from... from... Hey Laura, what's our address?"


Her: "Is there any danger to nearby buildings?"


Me: "Nuh uh"


Her: "What's your name?"


Me: "R a n d a l l  F r i e s e n"


Her: "And your phone number?"


Me: "Um 793 49 3.... Laura, what's our phone num..."


Her: "They're on the way and should be there shortly."


Me: "Thanks"




Well, it wasn't that bad, but I did have to work to remember my phone number.


We pulled up a couple of chairs to the front window and, in 5 to 7 minutes, we had a textbook example on how to extinguish a dumpster fire.


We now return you to our regularly scheduled blogging.


Good night.

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