Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Crazy Day

Been a totally crazy day today. Crazy-good if you know what I mean.

I needed to go to Saskatoon for a number of things, so I started off by taking my mom out for breakfast. It's her 60th birthday today. Give her a cheer.

Then I went to visit a friend in the Hospital in Saskatoon this morning. She's going through some serious stuff, but she has a strong spirit, and God is watching out for her. It was a good visit.

I ran some errands and then had lunch with Leighton. He's a good egg (what does that mean?) Good heart and a keen mind.

Then, because of road conditions and delays, I raced back to Prince Albert (you know, I'm not saying I did this but, when you drive at speeds of around 140kph, 100kph REALLY seems slow.) for an appointment I had here, with a most gracious individual, because I was late.

Sigh. A good day, lived hard, much accomplished.
Lots to think about. Even more to pray about.

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