Thursday, April 03, 2003

...or not!

Well, we were going to head out at 3:30 pm and get to Medicine Hat for the night, but this crappy weather made it just a miserable risk to take. We talked of going around the storm, but that would have added hours and hours to an already tight schedule. We talked about going through it, but some of the roads were closed and travel was really not recommended at all. So the only solution? Stay home.

Sigh. I will miss the connections, and coffee's. The people, the meals, and the beautiful weather in Nelson. But I will pray that you all have a great time, and that God surprises you, in a most wonderful way.

Now, as it stands, I don't have to preach or lead or teach on Sunday morning, an I got my work done so that I could go. So I have a reading day tomorrow, a catch-up day, while everyone thinks I am in BC.

(I wonder if I could buy off my kids so that I could sleep in on Sunday ....)

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