Thursday, December 26, 2002

Hanging with my bro.

We spent Christmas Day in Saskatoon with my family, and we had mostly a good day.

We decided to stay overnight, so, in a fit of inspiration, Lauralea went to stay at my sisters place for the night, and I went to my brothers place. Jeff and I had a good time although it was to short!

We watched a movie (Clue: "That's his ffaazzzher") and laughed our guts out, if that's possible!
Then we went fishing in a cool piece of software. I never really got the whole fishing games on the computer thing, but this was very cool. You can almost smell the gas burning in the outboard engine! And after you fight and bring in a big one, the big disapointment is that you can't fry it up with some butter and seasoning and eat it. But I'm sure that will come along eventually.

Anyway, I had a great time at Jeff's.

So, now we are off again. I'll try to blog more later.

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