Monday, October 28, 2002

She's related?!?

So, last night Lauralea and I stayed up late and did something we probably shouldn't have; we watched the late show. (Hey, we're married 17 years, we don't have to stay up late for THAT!)

We watched "Arsenic And Old Lace" a 1944 Cary Grant laugh fest if there ever was one. He really could do comedy well. Anyway, Lauralea got to thinkin who Cary Grant had been married to, and one of his wives (...seems he could do comedy well, just couldn't get the hang of marriage!) was a girl some 35 years his junior called Diane Cannon. (They divorced in 1968.)

So, Lauralea ran a search on Diane Cannon on the web, and low-and-behold, there she is.

She had a recurring role on ?Ally McBeal? as the Judge Jennifer ?Whipper? Cone in 98, 99. Seem's she's done some directing and writing too, but whats really cool is that she has this once a month "God Party" which, by all accounts is a worship/praise/prayer ministry thing. To cool.

But that isn't even the coolest part, the coo- (I'm in need of a new word to say "COOL" here, email me with your suggestions) ...lest part was her birth name. She was born ...

Samile Diane Friesen
Samile Diane Friesen

"Samile Diane Friesen?" I said to Lauralea J. Friesen, who replied to me, (Randall E. Friesen), "Yeah, Samile Diane Friesen"

Well, I'll tell ya, she doesn't look like any Friesen I know, that's for sure.

Then I got to thinking, maybe she's an Aunt. The "Aunt that went to Hollywood and was never seen from again!" Every family needs one of those Aunts.

Maybe I should look her up next time I'm in Hollywood...maybe I could crash on her couch. And the God Parties sound like a nice right good piece of fun.

Born a Friesen, marries Cary Grant, finds out Jesus likes her. Her life just seems to get better and better!

You go girl.

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