Saturday, August 10, 2002

What the hell?

What happens in a head, or should I say heart, that makes a person unwilling to forgive?

To hold on to the hooks and chains that embed themselves into our past only serves to bind us and cripple us, and in the end, to kill us in a very painful death.

To forgive is not just a letting go of the past or the person who has hurt you.
It´s not making a statement that the evil done is now ok. Rather it´s letting go of the hooks that have embedded themselves into who you are. YOU are set free through the act of forgiveness, NOT the offender.

But, the insidious nature of the beast is that a choice Not To Forgive is a choice that causes more darkness and deception to enter our lives, so we see even less the importance of forgiveness.

It creates a downward spiral that gets darker and deeper and we become slaves to it, each day more deceived until we are one breath away from physical then spiritual death.

?What the hell? maybe the most apt question to ask of someone who is choosing unforgiveness and death, rather than freedom and life.

For what it´s worth anyway.

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